Tschooo-tschooo! All aboard the watercooling hype train!!! Originally shared by René Jurack Re-using an

Tschooo-tschooo! All aboard the watercooling hype train!!!

Originally shared by René Jurack

Re-using an water-cooling-setup from my old G5-Mac. Total overkill for cooling those drivers :joy:


Interesting!..I have the last in the series of the liquid cooled quad core G5 which was made, I think in 2005!!!

Is there anything you would change about the DICE design?
I thought the drivers were supposed to dissipate heat into the Al frame quite well?

It turned out that I still need a small 5V fan to get at least the tinyiest amount of airflow. Totally passive this way is working only for shorter prints. 5+ hours and there are lost steps… And it is depending heavily on environmental temperature. If I could, I would redo the printhead with its partcooling. But there is no other way with the space given.

Fair enough. What about a heatsink with vertical fins on the back - you’d get some natural convection?

One needs the cooling right where the drivers are located…

…flatten a piece of copper pipe to run the liquid through right where the drivers are at!

Space needed for that! There is no space in the DICE left for playing around :wink:

There is no space on the DICE, period. I’m pretty sure the print goes above the lid :slight_smile:

Well I guess I’m about to find out. Is the 3510 part cooling fan not powerful enough? I have experience with the slim 3507 and I needed two of them and need to be directly pointing to the tip of the nozzle. They are not really that powerful compare to the regular blower fan.

@Step_Cia I’ve started laying out plans for a 200x200 build size COREXY based on DICE and also using some other machines like ECLIPS3D for inspiration. Per advice from @Rene_Jurack I think the head will be scaled up some (to be less microscopic) and use more common items like a 4020 blower fan for part cooling. Let me know if you want to collaborate some or loop in to our design process.

I don’t understand how the water cooling rig is helping cool the drivers.

That sounds interesting @raykholo ​ what collaboration tool are you using? My skill set is kind of limited to fusion 360 :slight_smile:

@Jeff_DeMaagd the drivers are attached to the frame, and the cooling head is attached to the opposite side of the frame

@Step_Cia hangouts chat and screenshots :slight_smile:
We’re throwing around ideas. I work in Inventor.

Oh I see what’s going on. If water cooling is going to be the solution, further changes can probably use unmodified drivers and run a custom long heat sink.

Yeah, these trinamics run hot! Although I’m doing fine with an 80mm fan and some heatsinks. Rene does like his overkill though…

And I meant a custom long water block at that. I’ve water cooled my hot end upper block but didn’t consider the motor drivers.

Jeff I was saying that I can cool these drivers sufficiently with an 80mm fan blowing on some GDT-X9 heatsinks. I understood you were referring to a water cooling block. There’s no space on dice for an 80mm fan! :slight_smile: