I am new to the Maker community, i have some background on GNU based hobby operating systems and basic electronics.
I am willing to become able to code for microchip pic microcontrollers, i had read several docs about the C language for them and yet i have a hard time understanding them.
Because of this, i would like to ask if you could help me to find out code examples that work for chips like pic16f819, pic16f877, pic16f627 and similar. I became able to write code into mplab x, compile it and transfer it by means of a pickit3 adaptor but i have a long way to go yet.
Is there a specific reason for learning PIC programming? For most applications a more rounded controller; Arduino, ESP, rp20xx will be the better choice.
All of them are far better documented and they have big library ecosystems, PIC has it’s place, but is a hard way to start.
I like to make my own circuit boards and pics are cheaper where i live, also once one gets successfuly programmed then many others can be. I got here after some years repairing home appliance’s board wich uses to have pics and i can even connect some of them into my computer and fix them or even, if i became better at coding them, to repurpose them. For example, getting a washing machine controller board to drive other appliances like a fan, a blender or other possibilties where turning on and off electric stuff can be of help.
What @easytarget said…
I started many years ago with PIC and never looked back after shifting to the Arduino ecosystem.
I am surprised you cannot find Arduino boards/parts cheaper than PIC’s. Where do you live?
I don’t think too many devices are still using PIC as their controllers.
If you cannot handle C++ then perhaps try Python which also runs in the Arduino/Pi/ESP ecosystem.
If you read the Doc’s on R-pi-pico2040 you will never turn back. They are supported in Arduino IDE if you prefer C++ coding, or Thonny IDE if you prefer Python. Also now they have an extension in VScode. I like the extensive documentation… Good Docs Rock…