Trouble connecting to Laserweb3.
Today, when trying to connect my k40 with C3D to Laserweb3, I am unsuccessful. Have anyone experienced this? Doing the same thing as every day, but simply no response…
Tips anyone?
Thank you!
+Peter van der Walt
The LED pattern is in the “normal pattern”, APART from the red VBB light being on. From what I understand it should not?
When plugging in the USB chord to the computer, the folder with config and FIRWARE files comes up like normally.
The node server.js started up just like normal as well.
Sometimes I understand NOTHING about computers. Now it suddenly started working again. I swear, I did no changes… didn’t even touch anything apart from looking at the LEDs… (The typical customer service statement…? “I didn’t do anything!”))
Thanks, though +Peter van der Walt. Sorry for stupid enquiry, though still don’t understand it…
Okay…so it’s back again today. Laserweb seems to have trouble recognizing the COM3 port. When plugging in the USB chord a message pops up saying the device was not recognized and that there might be something wrong with the device.
Has anyone had any experience with this? Any steps I can take to make sure it is recgnized?
Thanks for your help!
Thanks +Peter van der Walt. I am currently running with a rather long USB cable. I’ll try a shorter one.
Connection refused…grrr MUST REMEMBER this requires a CMD line first, doh!