TL;DR: My CR-10s is having Z-axis home issues.

TL;DR: My CR-10s is having Z-axis home issues.

I’m having a very persistent problem with my Creality Cr-10s. For the first month or so of its life, it was working fine and printed many things. Then after moving it on account of a storm, I turned it on and immediately had problems. When setting the home, the X and Y axis would both function correctly, and fall into the correct positions. The Z axis though would move up a few centimeters, then would stop and registered as 0. Then, after some tinkering, I figured out to move the extruder down to the table, where it would print, but make these inexplicable lines and weak spots. I thought that the problem was maybe caused by the switch, so I swapped it with the X-axis switch, but the switch still worked, and the problem persisted. I left it aside, and today, I tried to continue by updating the firmware, but the problem persisted, but was slightly lessened-the Z-axis moving only a centimeter or so. I’ve scanned forums, but I still cannot figure it out, and no one seems to be having this problem.

Please help. I’m going to need this thing soon.