TigerShark Widget Help
What hardware and firmware pairs with TigerShark The ladds that did TigerShark has had their github forked by ultimachine/Archim which is building an ARM3 board running Marlin, Hmmm How about TigerShark Widget and TinyG2 how is this posible and on what hardware…
I don’t think there’s any further action around TigerShark, although I could be wrong. I just haven’t seen much. On TinyG2 you can use it today just make sure you choose the “No Init Cmds” mode menu in the TinyG widget pulldown menu when you use the TinyG workspace.
When the original TigerShark Widget was created What Firmware was used with the board?
I don’t think TinyG 3d printing was around when they did tigershark. The chip on it/ the archim board now is the ATSAM3X8E, same as on the Arduino Due, so it should be able to run the full gambit of 32 bit firmwares: namely Repetier and maybe also Marlin4Due
What would be super cool is a TinyG2 board that would allow for both 3DPrinting and CNC Milling (Additive and Subtractive) Using at Least 5-Axis of Motion. Currently the only players are LinuxCNC and Mach3 with LinuxCNC (aka MachineKit) being the only open source project.
Joining Additive and subtractive in 5-Axis would open up an entirelyy new door to manufacturing, plus an added bonus would be Pick and place at the same time merged together with PLC Ladder logic. This is what I am currently working on to find the best way forward, that is using the motion planner built into TinyG2 with 6-Axis of Motion freedom.
Keep in mind that TinyG2 offers coordinated motion in all 6-Axis
PLC and SCADA are ripe for being upgrading to Open Source, but it’s not trivial.
Are PLC devices still stuck with ladder, or did they ever upgrade to a language developed in the past 30 years?
Still ladder and mostly visually programmed from what I’ve seen.
Visually programmed meaning something like Labview?
It’s amazing watching people spend hours constructing and debugging a page of ladder code which is equivalent to a single line of C code.
Well, it’s amazing to see how some people can never learn that counting is not rhythm.
The idea was to appeal to shop floor visual thinkers and make it familiar to the physical world of relays and whatnot, not CS majors.
Every person who is good at manipulating symbol systems must realize that the vast majority of people are not comfortable with what may seem natural to us. It may seem very awkward and even backward but the more we move into VR and AR systems the more visual and auditory thinkers can use the tools we can create for them.
The price of opening tech to non techies is dealing with other kinds of thinking… just like you cannot teach rhythm by teaching how to count the symbols.
I guess the question becomes: is there a visual language for control systems which isn’t so space inefficient? Maybe something like this? https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/10128515/#editor (click the green flag to run)
Has anyone any experience 3d Printing with TinyG2? If so what hardware did they use?
Archim is the design for mass production of the tigershark prototype, its still in development but should be out soon. It currently supports Marlin for the ATSAM3X8E and will also eventually support TinyG2, Alden and co have been working hard to add all the necessary components for 3D printing to the firmware. Also I will be assembling a new 3D printer I have been designing and powering it with my prototype Archim board, I intend to use TInyG2 + Cura + post script. I will most definitely be posting about it alot, so don’t worry !