This turned out excellent!!!! :D

This turned out excellent!!!

Great concept, great execution!

Loved it; gives me inspiration on what to with friends BM painting. Would you like to share the code?

Awesome! Love the diffusion/blur against the wall. Iā€™m assuming the effect is just by having them face the wall with some distance in between?

Canā€™t share the code at this time, as there may be more in the works.
I used 3 polycarb standoffs to give it that glowing effect.
It was simple to make, ridiculous to program.

Is the polycarb diffusing it, or you just mean that gives it the required distance? I canā€™t even imagine programming that! You manually coded it to sync with the song, I assume?

The song was laid down in video post prod, but it just so happened that many parts synced up.
I used the 3 polycarb ā€œpegsā€ for the standoff distance because I had some 1/4" thick stuff on hand, it was clear, and easy to tool. The clear sides face towards the sides, which essentially leaves no indication that thereā€™s anything there. I decided to go with 3 (top middle, and lower sides) instead of 4 in each of the corners, as 3 points make a plane, and 4 pegs just would become a hastle.
Thereā€™s about 350 lines of code, so yeaā€¦ many beers went into this project. :wink:

I found that, when holding it up to the wall, 2 fingers (like ā€œcross your fingersā€) worth of distance was perfect. Not too short of a distance, and not so far that the painting frame would look funny being too far off the wall.

Thanks for sharing the details. Nice to have some rules of thumb (or, two fingers!) if I try something like this. Iā€™ve seen the diffuse effect on other projects and just love it. Thereā€™s a pretty wild animation at one point in your animation that looks like the lights are almost boiling/bubblingā€¦ Made me think ā€œblast offā€!

Makes me want to say : ā€œIā€™m sorry Dave, Iā€™m afraid I canā€™t do thatā€