This Old Tony - a collet is not always a collet


Tony makes some of the best videos on YouTube.


I went through two excessive TIR R8-ER40 collet chucks before getting one with that met its advertised limits.

I did buy relatively cheap collets and I’m sure the smallest ones suffer from this runout problem. I almost never use them on the mill though; there I usually use straight R8 collets. On the lathe it tends to matter less as long as I’m not swapping setups, and there are other ways around that.

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The trick seems to be knowing which tools can be cheap with no problems and which cheap tools are worse than having no tool, like Tony’s poop collet.

Let me know if you figure out how to know the difference!

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Aw shucks, I had really hoped to find some reference here to good collets. Found his video the other day by mistake. But as it happens I actually need a new collet. The default 3.175 isn’t big enough for my 4mm 4t end mill.

Mind I will be cutting PolyCarbonate, not metal. But if I can reduce the load on the bit by making sure it is balanced, that should help make a better end result, and more evenly worn bits.

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