This may have already been brought up or maybe is already planned,

This may have already been brought up or maybe is already planned, but i would like to mention in case it isn’t.

When adding images for raster or vector for engraving, its a pain to enter all the little variables manually. I’d like to see recipes added. Allow to preprogram recipes so we can later select from a drop down these options. This would simplify the process. :slight_smile: Also, LaserWeb3 is incredible…I love it.

When i say recipe, i mean programmed variables for speed and PWM for the laser. This would eliminate having to respecify the speed and PWM depending on materials.

There has been a few discussions regarding this to have a database of settings per material, even if it is just a local database (i.e. saved on your computer only). It is a great idea & hopefully it will get added eventually, but I hope not at the expense of allowing us to set settings without having first created a “recipe”.

@Yuusuf_Sallahuddin_Y Honestly, locally saved settings would be best. This is because we all have different power lasers. This means that all recipes will be different. Having the speed and power output be saved locally would probably be best.

@Yuusuf_Sallahuddin_Y Here is a Google Drive download link to get the GRBL im using.

Some of the latest results on MDF.

@Cid_Vilas I don’t really know what GRBL is :smiley:

But your latest results on MDF look good. I see your gradient test & it looks much better than my tests on ply. I might have to give it a test on MDF too.

@Yuusuf_Sallahuddin_Y Hah Sorry. Responded to wrong person. Meant to respond to +Peter van der Walt