This man is a GOD.

This man is a GOD. A big inspiration to me in the realm of electronics,
3d modeling(Blender), and 3d printing.
Keep it up @Kristopher_Kortright

Originally shared by Kristopher Kortright

This is my new Adafruit RFID Breakout Wand that I made for my RiderScan project, uploaded to Thingiverse for anyone who wants to print them for an RFID project. I added the @Adafruit_Industries logo and the MakerBot Industries Support logo to it as a Nod to these fabulous companies that have enriched my life!

You can find it on Thingiverse here:

The RFID Breakout board for it can be found here:

The 10mm LEDs (2) for them can be found here:

And if you are truly awesome, the right 3D printer can be found here!

You are too generous +Dave Cushing Thank you for the kind words, they’re very motivating!

You bet’cha.