This is going to take a while (1m^2).

@Marc_MERLIN indeed :slight_smile:
I suggest to use the mask because I have notice that using PIN 0 and 3 are not that reliable and also you can use pins 25,26,27 if you want. this is the mask I use for my panel 0b110111011111111000000110100
pins 2,4,5,12->19,21,22,23,25,26
I made it like this 'cause it’s easier to code afterward

@Yves_BAZIN understood. Given that most ESP32 pins are usable for most purposes, I’ll stick to the default pin mappings in the default order for this, and if I ever need another pin (which I probably won’t), whatever is left is fine.
For what it’s worth ADC on ESP32 is kind of broken (you get ever changing values for the same input), so no need to worry about keeping the analog pins free.

@Yves_BAZIN some progress. So, I took your pin ordering of
It’s correct, is it not?
So, pin 3 is the RX pin, and it’s not working for me.
I am using Serial.begin(115200) which must be messing with pin 3.
I tried doing this instead
Serial.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1, SERIAL_TX_ONLY));
but it does not work on ESP32 it seems.
Can you get serial output debugging while keeping pin2 working or do I need to start using the mask to skip over pin2?

@Marc_MERLIN indeed in the absolute pin 3 should work unless you serial communication. That is why I use the mask I have in my previous reply

@Yves_BAZIN Ok, I hit the first white pixel problem you mentioned, what was the workaround again (it only happens for some patterns, I haven’t quite figured out what triggers it yet)?
Otherwise, making progress, thanks.
missing/deleted image from Google+

@Yves_BAZIN actually I’m having using the mask to skip a line.
works on pins 0,2,3 (RX),4
If I want to skip pin3, am I not supposed to do this?
FastLED.addLeds<WS2811_PORTA,NUM_STRIPS,(1>>0 + 1>>2 + 1>>4 + 1>>5)>(leds, NUM_LEDS_PER_STRIP);
doesn’t seem to do what I need: use pins 0, 2, 4, and 5.
When I do this, it still uses 0, 2, ??? and 4 (5 isn’t working and 4 is receiving line #4, not line #3)
Any ideas?

@Marc_MERLIN you need to write in the other order 1 << x and not 1>>x plus i suggest you add ( ) so it will be (1<<0) + (1<<2)+ (1<<4) + (1<<5)

@Marc_MERLIN doing a<< x is equal to a*2^x doing a>> x is equal to a/2^x hence your mask was equal to 1

@Yves_BAZIN yeah, that’s what I get for not being awake. I’ll fix this tonight, thank you. As for the white pixels you see the picture I posted, this is the problem you talked about. They don’t happen all the time. Is this something you have a workaround for?

@Marc_MERLIN if you display a fix picture just do 2 for animation do not do anything. If you have still issue let me know

@Marc_MERLIN ahah it happens to all of us

FastLED.addLeds<WS2811_PORTA,NUM_STRIPS,((1<<0) + (1<<2) + (1<<4) + (1<<5))>(leds, NUM_LEDS_PER_STRIP);
works fine now, and I have my serial port back, thank you.

Welcome :wink: can’t wait to see the final Panel all light up

@Yves_BAZIN Haha, me too. How long did it take you to build yours in hours/days? (not counting software)

@Marc_MERLIN a bit longer because it’s so big 4mx1.60m it took me two days to build the panel (paint and fixing all the part together). Plus a good full week of puting the leds( align them)/soldering /power …) and of course trying to understand why suddenly it would stop working :wink: undo/redo replace burnt leds … And then build the frame to support the 80kg of the panel. That last part was easy.
If I had to redo it I would buy pre-made 16x16 or 32x32 panel

@Yves_BAZIN makes sense. I got suckered into building mine because a friend gave me all his LED strips from his 64x64 project (badly built, the strips where hanging down by gravity and were not attached to any backing otherwise).
How did you end up with burnt LEDs? Were they bad from the start, or did you damage them by mistake?
As for pre–made panels, I agree. 16x16 is actually not that big but would go a bit faster. 32x32 would be much better, I just haven’t found any good 32x32 when I was looking.

@Marc_MERLIN some of the leds were faulty and lasted just couple of hours. Some of them I burnt them by pluging them wrongly ( I learned not to soldering after a certain hour :wink: )
But it was a great experience

50% done (well, more or less)
First test with 60A external power supply, 10 gauge wire for power bus (seems more than enough), and cat-5 to the ESP32, using 8 parallel lines. Sadly, I’m already getting some artefacts, I’ll need to spend more time debugging to see if it’s cross talk, power injection problems, bad solder points, or a software/driver problem. This will take a little while I guess.
In the meantime, still need to solder and glue the remaining 32x64.
missing/deleted image from Google+

. Just to subscribe to this epic build.

@Jimmy_Edwards Haha, then you missed out. The epic build was the one @Yves_BAZIN did. Mine is just a copycat one and will be smaller in the end, only 64 lines and 4096 LEDs.
I’m 2.5 days of work in now (started tuesday with cutting the cardboard backing). I probably have another 1.5 days of work to lay down and solder the 32 next rows of LEDs, and glue them in 160 different points (I use some pre-made double sided glue squares).
I’m saving some time over the nicer build Yves did, but I’m also losing time fixing the crap strips that were given to me, and replacing broken LEDs and solder points that were ripped out when it was taken apart from the last project they were used on (by a coworker).
After that, some unknown amount of time to debug the electrical problems and potentially driver problems.
After that too, finally will be the more fun part of porting my LED shirt software from 24x32 to this new 64x64 display.
Unfortunately I’ll also then have to worry about making this burning man proof somehow and the reason it’s in 2 32x64 pieces is that I need to be able to transport it to burning man and back.
Lots of work still ahead, 3 weeks left :slight_smile: