Thinking of running a live feed or plain video upload tomorrow to go over

Thinking of running a live feed or plain video upload tomorrow to go over settings input into laserweb, how to connect to the smoothie board,importing files, multi process jobs… Is this a good idea? Or would I be wasting my time +Peter van der Walt​ , @Ariel_Yahni_UniKpty ​, @funinthefalls


It would be Wednesday next week before I would have another chance to do it while the kids are at school or I would have to do it once they were in bed. I can run just a plain ole video upload tomorrow morning… it’s still Thursday here and the kids are in school all day so its usually a mad dash to do as many projects as I can on those type of days, hence why you see me posting a barrage of different things 3-4 days apart they coincide with my days off work that the kids are in school. And then many late night posts from me are usually the days I’m getting off work and they are in bed. The every other the weekends I work are dedicated to my better half because the kids go with my xwife for visitation so we get alone time, and other weekend I’m off is kiddo time with my better half,my two children and her son

That is what I am thinking +Peter van der Walt​. The most common post I am seeing lately are in regards to the issues I would cover

Just to clear one item up the new concatenate feature takes the grays in blocks and lumps them into one line of gcode for a line for the shade?

Cool, I don’t want to spread disinformation … I may even test out that feature you love (slicing an stl)

+Peter van der Walt​ Please don’t remove this feature yet. I think it’s good for Grbl. Will make some tests.

I’d appreciate the video as I am a new user and would find it amazing. I really hope they implement recognizing colors for cut/engrave as having everything in one file would be easier than stacking and positioning I would think.

I would love such a video !