Assembly was not bad at all, the second one was quick once I figured it all out. Now I need to create mounts for the Cobblebot Vanguard (Where is @Tinkering_On_Steroid when you need him ) and hopefully soon I will be printing dual color.
Question: isn’t this a fairly easy to make thing? I never understood why they charge $200+ for it when you can just get a couple Bowden extruders, a j-head, and print the Y thing yourself.
Sure, you could source the parts yourself, but when you add up the components, (cost of the hot end is $80 USD alone)the price isnt that much more, unless you source clone components, plus I was an early bird backer so the price seemed reasonable.
Using one hot end with dual extruders is a very tricky thing, and it appears these guys have come up with a good solution for it. Pretty soon, Imwill be able to judge that for myself.