There will be repraps on the NBC nightly news after the commercial in a

There will be repraps on the NBC nightly news after the commercial in a story about printing guns.

p.s. this is in the Easterner time zone.

Well it was a MG printer.

You can print a billion things with a 3D printer… I wish everyone would stop focusing on printing guns…

You can make a gun on a CNC as well, I don’t see the media chasing CNC operators. Reminds me of the Summer of Sharks.

@Robert_Wozniak Especially since guns are truly not one of the million things a 3D printer can make, particularly when using a RepRap

I really think it would be 100 times easier to make the guns traditionally than building a printer and trying to print them… but the hype makes money. Reality doesn’t matter, viewership does. That is the trouble with “news”. Keep it interesting, play with hypothetical problems, create a buzz that people won’t ignore.