The appimage stopped working for some reason,

The appimage stopped working for some reason, I am running Linux Mint 18.2

here is what I get when I launch the program

Check intel driver, there’re posts of people reporting the same.

Nope that di9d not help, I’m confused because it was working, then it stopped and I had not made any changes to the system.

I manually installed LaserWeb3 and now Both versions work. except the LaserWeb4 does not show a grid

Hm… manually? Look for ~/.config/lw.comm-server folder, backup and remove.(Maybe is ~/.config/laserweb folder alternatively) if installed as an APP

OK, I’ll try that. here is what I have done so far.
I loaded LaserWeb3 and then LaserWeb4 also launched but I didn’t get grid lines . Upon reboot nothing worked, but if I ran ~/LaserWeb3/node server.js then both would launch but only laserweb3 would function properly.

Why don’t you use the appimage available on

Appimages are there:
BTW, LW3 is deprecated so cannot help you with that. You are probably getting chrome localstorage issues between the two versions.

I am using the appimage for lw4 and its still not working but lw3 seems to be working, I’ll know more when I get home tonight. I’ll report back any updates. But currently the lw4 cannot see my Arduino controller and lw3 can and will connect to it.

Drop lw3 to isolate interaction. Next goto .config and delete lw folder. if problem persists and worked before then could be a os update problem (intel driver are known to get errors, and is a linux driver issue.)

If i get home and lw3 works fine, why would I upgrade before the issue is resolved. It is a recognized bug, so why not wait for the fix. I want to use my laser, not troubleshoot after I find a workaround

Is not a LW recognised bug, as far none of dev team can replicate and debug, also Lw4 needs opengl to run. External interference of os drivers are not a LW issue either. :confused: Of course you can keep lw3 if fits your requirements :slight_smile:

Im on my windoze machine I got it working now I have to load compatible firmware. thats is the GRBL on the NANO right?

Thanks for all of your help!!! I’m still trying to get it working on linux, Im going to try another Distro Ubuntu 16. Not sure Mint Cinnamon is ready for prime time yet, this is not the first issue Ive had with the OS and compatibility. I was able to do some test runs last night and have a good enough grasp on the Laswerweb4 to continue to want to learn more. Great software!!
Thanks again for all the pointers and suggestions and info!!!