That's the milestone :) I use a complete new system to apply this drops.

That’s the milestone :slight_smile:

I use a complete new system to apply this drops. I’ll present this tomorrow in my next video session. But now, some pics for you.

Here you see maked drops with a 0.60 mm canulla. The drops are flux paste, not solder paste at this moment.

The first (bottom) line has 0.5mm and the last (top) line 1.0mm move on the solder dispenser controller. Thats my way to find the best parameters for every canulla. In this case i would say 0.6 or 0.7mm (line 2-3) has the best results. I’ll create a library for chilieppr and the user choose only the color of canulla and get the best parameters.

Sorry for the short video, wrong button :slight_smile:

I like the dot in the upper left corner. It looks like it’s 0.2mm. Is that repeatable? The bottom row seems smaller but possibly still fairly large for a lot of pads on components these days.

+John Lauer It’s the 0.6mm Canulla. But for you John, i make my video session now and test the smallest canulla i have :slight_smile: