Testing out the LW4 CNC side of things. It seems that the circle portion of this test isn’t showing the depth configured.
When I look at the GCode I see that for the circle it retracts to the 1mm safe distance and then returns to Z0 for both passes instead of Z-2 and Z-4 as expected. However it seemed to work for the diamond and the square at 8mm and 12mm respectively.
Generated GCode here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/14ktd5jtc47usek/gcode.gcode?dl=0
I have 3 separate operations using the filter color option as described by @Todd_Fleming All 3 colors are different paths in the same SVG and each was dragged in as the full file and the color filter applied. I’m trying to understand why it worked for the red and blue but not the yellow.
I wonder if there are not enough intersecting points on the diamond and square for it to union. Let me try the same thing but bring the circle in a little bit so there is little to no intersection and see what that does.
Actually putting just a little gap between the edges of the circle and diamond solved it. That’s interesting to keep in mind that it will union shapes like that and I guess it makes sense, it was just odd that it was showing the correct operation but omitting setting the Z-depth correctly.
And to your test, I was able to isolate the circle path and drag it on it’s own without affecting the other 2
Please post the SVG that it messed up on. With the filters on, union and gap shouldn’t matter.
Well, nevermind. Now it’s working at 35.3 diameter as well which is I think where it was when it was messing up. So either an update was just made or I hit some weird glitch in my session where it wouldn’t do the circle properly. Oh well, carry on.
I’ll keep at it and see if I can duplicate it.
There’s a bug somewhere; it shouldn’t have been able to produce Z0 with the settings in your screenshot.
Sorry guys, I broke one of my first rules for testing. I overwrote the SVG that was giving me the above issue and now no matter how much I undo or recreate it, it works every time.
I guess I’ll just chalk it up to some glitch on my side and if it ever pops up again I’ll save off the original file and try to grab a screen recording.
You can see in the original g-code file that I shared above though that I wasn’t crazy
Yep; you’re not crazy. That gcode definitely shows a bug.