Teak cutting board drying after a coat of butcher block oil. I was going to do an inlay but didn’t diffuse the beam enough and left too many ridges to seat the inlay well so I just scrubbed it clean and oiled it up as is.
On a side note, teak has a funky smell when burning.
Teak is smelly… As a possible solution, what I do for my more intricate burns is use 2 part black epoxy/pour it in til it’s proud (there is shrinkage) sand or plane until flush, progress through 1200 grit, polish after that.
I have done that with the pour and even have some self leveling epoxy on hand still from my last one, but in this case I just flat out ran out of time 
@Mike_Mills1 That USN plaque is gorgeous
@Carl_Fisher Thank you sir. I’ve been making plaques for about 3 years, but I really liked doing that one. Compliments on yours, also. I like the beauty of teak, it’s just hard for me to get here in Japan…