System requirements for Laserweb4?

Hello All,

I have become interested in cnc laser engraving and am planning to buy my first laser kit in the next week. I have decided on running laserweb4 due to it looking like a good piece of software and it also being linux compatible which is a big plus for me.

I will be building another linux pc (Debian 9) just for the laser engraver in the next few weeks and was wondering if anyone can suggest some system requirements for the new pc to run laserweb4 smoothly please?

Update: By system requirements, i really just mean the recommended amount of RAM and also processor speeds would be great.

Any help will be gratefully received.

If anyone is interested…

I have been testing laserweb4 on my current debian 9 machine with AMD A6-7400K cpu and 8gb ram without any issues so will use same cpu for new build but 4gb should be fine as ram use is small while laserweb is running.

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Good to know. Thanks for testing!

I am using a Raspberry Pi 4 for my LaserWeb4 & Eleksmaker

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