Stripping filament on bulldog XL extruder.

Stripping filament on bulldog XL extruder. So I cant seem to figure out why the filament keeps stripping out.I’ve cleaned the hobbed brass part a couple times. Changed the tension to very soft and very hard and a couple in the middle. My temp is 235C even put it to 245C and the filament came out smoking. I am using black filament which I’ve heard needs higher temps. Anyone have any ideas I can try

Not sure what material you’re printing but it could be that the extruder is getting too hot and softening the filament making it easier to strip. The hotend could also be jamming up especially if temps are too high for the material you are printing in.

Check the filament diameter all the way along.

For what it’s worth: My initial printing experience was similar. I had to soak my all metal hot end in acetone and make sure it was clean. There was a partial obstruction.

In my experience, the hobbed pulley doesn’t need much pressure to get an effective grip. Bulldog extruders are probably overpowered as well. The culprit is almost always a jam in the hot end, not enough hear in the hot part, heat traveling up to high or some obstruction in the nozzle, burned up material or contaminant. If it’s jammed, more pressure and power behind it will just cause other problems.

E3D also requires that the nozzle and heat break barrel to be tightened at 250 C, otherwise you’ll get jams. So make sure you followed E3D instructions to the letter.

Do some cold pulls with nylon to clean the nozzle. Smoking filament is way too hot. That will probably leave residue in the hotend.

  1. If printing PLA at 235C that is too hot. Try 195C.
  2. The heat from the hot end travels up and the filament expands as it gets hotter. You need to insulate the block with the nozzle by putting hot air duct tape, rated for high temps, between the heat block and the fins.
  3. You need a fan on those fins ON ALL the time.

This is abs. The fan on the e3d is on so I was hoping it will keep it cool enough.

The fan will not.
The heat goes through the air and up.
Insulate the heat block to prevent heat going up

Which E3D? v5 is more problematic. I just got a E3Dv6 but have not used it yet. I hear it is better.

It is the v5. I’m going to have to try and loosen up the tension a little maybe. It’s almost to a point that the bulldog xl won’t tighten any more

@Chad_Nuxoll Tightening the extruder idler too much will cause the filament to form a curve going into and over the gear and jam the extruder or cause bending of the filament that clogs in the hot end. I find it very difficult to find just the right tension on the idler.
Another option is to change the settings in your slicer.
To compensate for an extruder not pushing enough filament, decrease the filament size (i use 1.73 instead of 1.75) and increase the flow rate (for my bowden Greg’s Wade extruder on my Kossel, 110% seems to work well.)

Ill have to loosen it up a bit then. See If i can reduce the slipping and then play a little with the settings