Stef Weicks hello Apparently we exceed th elenght of you discussion thread :) How

@Stef_Weicks hello
Apparently we exceed th elenght of you discussion thread :slight_smile:
How did you set up your Blynk for BLE mine does not work

Ha omg … yes i thought my handy app is crazy… before i couldn’t write back to you

Unfortunately I had to leave the pc because my girlfriend was grumpy
She said I’m just sitting on the pc instead of doing something with her :smiley: haha

Maybe would be better we write over an messenger?
Are you on Hangouts ?

There is an example on blynk for esp32. You need two libraries
Did you install the lib on Arduino?

@Stef_Weicks yes I did it work on WiFi but not by

#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp32_BLE.h>
#include <BLEDevice.h>
#include <BLEServer.h>

I read that there could be a problem /conflict with the library and the espressif files

I did an update of my idf and it worked

Oki I will do so

@Stef_Weicks btw U prefer blink via WiFi or ble ?

I like BLE because the radiation is much less than wifi.
But i think the connection works better with wifi because the developers say ble is in beta on blynk

So you could deside

@Stef_Weicks are u on iOS or Android ?

Did you get Ble to work with your controller?

@Stef_Weicks no :wink: it’s like my phone does not want to connect to my board

No there is a trick to get it … switch off the Bluetooth connection on your phone wait a few seconds and try it again … you can also try play stop switch pressing a few times on the right upper side of blynk and/or do the left upper switch one time should do it. And still wait … mine was running than

@Stef_Weicks it’s like the app does not see the phone witch is really strange because my ble scab sees it

Replaced the first by
And the second one by

tried also FastLEDshowESP322(); on the second one which worked little bit better -> this result: - IMG_2749 (

but with; it was much better

You have the same issue on WiFi and on SD ?

i can´t really say its so much better than with; … there are already sometimes flashes in there.
between switching not connected to connected i already get sometimes a white flash for about 3 seconds.

i could try an other wifi router … i think the connection with my iphonewifi is not as good…and therefore this problem appears …

@Stef_Weicks it’s not your router it’s the fact that we ask in contineous if the WiFi is connected or not. That provokes interruption what ever the core apparently.

so i tried my wifirouter with standart g . the animation is running much-much-smoother! and i got no flashes anymore on wifi… couldn´t be there a problem with the speed of image delivery (ping ) or so… i read something in an forum anywhere about this