Starting today, LaserWeb opens up a blank window with the message "No input file

Starting today, LaserWeb opens up a blank window with the message “No input file specified”. Has anyone seen this before? I used it a few days ago and have not upgraded anything that I’m aware of. I’m on Mac OS, 10.13.4. I wasn’t sure what version of LaserWeb I was using, so I just downloaded v4.0.988-130 and I’m getting the same thing. Is there a log file somewhere?

Chris try Try this: uninstall and Search for win %appdata%\lw-comm.server folder and delete upon uninstalling app then reinstall a newly downloaded version that has a fix

Unlikely to be a ‘win’ anything on a macOS machine, @Ariel_Yahni_UniKpty

No folder caller lw-comm.server on a macOS box.

@Chris_Miller I had the same versions as you for macOS and LW and had no problem. I subsequently downloaded the latest 4.0.991 release and it too is working fine on 10.13.4

There was a Mac security update May 8th and an Xcode update May 17th, if you have auto-update turned on, but other than that, it will depend on what you have installed.

Could just be a glitch - if a thread has died while comms were still active it could think theres no device - a reboot would be the first thing I would think of to see if the problem is repeatable .

@Mike_Thornbury my bad. Delete this and reinstall from the latest build

~/Library/Application\ Support/lw.comm-server/Local\ Storage

Weird. I’m just getting back to this, and now it works without changing anything. Must have needed a reboot.