something changed on my printer settings and whenever I print models I see the

something changed on my printer settings and whenever I print models I see the bottom as in the picture. I tried changing first layer height but the result is the same
printer app is flashprint by flashforge

“Y U no print right!?”

You’ve changed the amount of bottom layers to 0. It’s usually by doing something stupid like having the bottom layers selected while trying to mousewheel over something else. Why that damn box is editable via mousewheel is beyond me.

… or your first layer is tooooooo small. it seems to be printing something but it is too close to the bed to deposit enough plastic. i would definitely increase that and then maybe add a second layer on bottom?

@Cristian_Nicola makes a good point. Do you have your Z endstop adjusted appropriately?

Bottom layer thickness, sure. What about air gaps? Did you print on a raft?

the issue was much simpler, the bed was not calibrated, too high, it actually could not print first layers

@Roni_Segoly Thanks for letting us know the final solution!