Some test making simple carriage for X Originally shared by Mauro Manco (Exilaus) full

Some test making simple carriage for X

Originally shared by Mauro Manco (Exilaus)

#motediuslyqr full metal test X carriage

what are those wheels?

This wheel generaly used for heavy glass door wheels (nylon, resisteance 35kg each,1 standard bearing ) and impossible to find with good price without long search.
We find it buy some of it for testing and with big quantity we can request to make it in any other material. but bifore take this big step i use my little stock for make all possilble. currently we make a #iwcnc (cnc) this future 3d printer derived from work of @Shauki “thx” on #motediusqr and #QR1500 .

Aaron for you i suggest to use openbeams more simple to find high quality and perfect items.i search other wheels for find alternative in europe ,because price is really different now from european reseller and buy from usa have big delay and custom tax :frowning:

Backlash = efficace!
-> Balestra = più efficace una semplice molla!

currenlty for test use toy “loom bands” but when have time make extension spring same in for other carriage :slight_smile:

Yes but what I say is: leaf spring live more time and stronger than simple spring.

And if the spring become flaccid, you can tender with a screw again…you see what I mean?

I just got some OpenBuilds v-slot. very nice wheels, that really mesh well with the tapered OpenBuilds v-slot rails.