Some better pictures of the first Smartcore assembly ! better with light isn't it

Some better pictures of the first Smartcore assembly ! better with light isn’t it ?
I’m quiet happy with the design because it does what i expected : nothing to do on the wood parts ( no holes, no cut) and a VERY simple assembly ( separated XY and Z stages.
From first tests, it seems also work very good !

the openjscad source is constantly updating :

Getting close to melting some plastic.

it does ( in the dark though :slight_smile: :
I will post some more videos as we test.

Seal the wood against absorbing or releasing moisture. Wood will change shape due to moisture absorption, and you will have to make frequent adjustments to keep it working.

i built a smartrap and had lots of design failures. please, debug the design and then share

Yes dale, i heard about that for the wood. I’m going to see that by myself. I doubt a little it makes so much troubles with all those thousands ultimakers out there with people happy about them ? But it can be only better with sealing the wood.
It will be also quiet easy to make a metal box from it, as this design doesn’t need any operation on the box itself.

Hi Javier,
Smartrap is in constant evolution and debugging, did you follow on thingiverse ? or forums ? ( reprap forum or our own). It’s better place than here for reporting problems.

Neat little bot!

ho, thank you very much Brook! it’s an honor. ( and congrats for the metal plus… wonderful work as always ! ).