So with G+ closing in 2019, will this group be moving elsewhere?

So with G+ closing in 2019, will this group be moving elsewhere? I’d be willing to setup a Facebook group if there is any interest(assuming that hasn’t already been done). I definitely don’t want to lose access to a community like this.

No, not fb, please… There’s got to be something better.

There has been a facebook group for years. It’s linked to at the exact same places as G+, it’s just people never choose to go there. See top menu at
As G+ starts to disappear, I’ll be posting here with links to the other, existing communities.

you have a Smoothieware page on Facebook but no group. A FB group would be better.

Some people seem to be moving to Just set myself up there. @choffee

I’m going to have to check out Mastodon, I have a couple other communities that I need to move somewhere and that might be perfect…