So my lasers work again and Im diving back into laser web.

So my lasers work again and Im diving back into laser web. Running LW3 on windows 10 and I have been continually getting this error when I try to connect.

Missing error handler on socket.
TypeError: SerialPort is not a function
at Socket. (C:\Users\prcds\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\LaserWeb3\server-smoothie.js:180:14)
at emitOne (events.js:77:13)
at Socket.emit (events.js:169:7)
at Socket.onevent (C:\Users\prcds\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\LaserWeb3\node_modules\\lib\socket.
at Socket.onpacket (C:\Users\prcds\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\LaserWeb3\node_modules\\lib\socket
at Client.ondecoded (C:\Users\prcds\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\LaserWeb3\node_modules\\lib\clien
at Decoder.Emitter.emit (C:\Users\prcds\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\LaserWeb3\node_modules\\node_
at Decoder.add (C:\Users\prcds\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\LaserWeb3\node_modules\\node_modules\s\index.js:247:12)
at Client.ondata (C:\Users\prcds\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\LaserWeb3\node_modules\\lib\client.j
at emitOne (events.js:77:13)

Ideas? This is on two different laptops. I feel like its me at this point lol.

Did you install node.js?

@Joe_Spanier ​ I just re- did the hole install on windows 10 without issues. serialport seems not to be working/installed. Delete the node_modules folder and run npm install again

OK. I’ll try that. Thanks!