So I've had a good amount of print orders in recent months and think

So I’ve had a good amount of print orders in recent months and think its time to expand to having two printers. My thoughts were to build a core xy setup with a 200x300x200 build area and dual extrusion. It’s mainly for orders so I want a reliable setup. I have a ramps and 5 stepper motors lying around so I was thinking I would make it dual extrusion as I don’t see many people of 3D hubs or elsewhere with that option. I also want to use dissolving supports so it would be nice to have. Any suggestions to things I should add? I’ll have an lcd and heated bed as well.

I was thinking a dual extrusion direct drive system in case someone wants flexible material but I do already have a single direct drive head. Thoughts??

Smartcore is quite flexible with size, there is dualhotend carriage for it too.

Yep, it’s not official yet but Bruno from the community has modeled a dual head for the SmartrapCore. Thread: Twin head:
I’m about to build one too :smiley: