So im looking in to doing some simple work on a apa102 strip,

So im looking in to doing some simple work on a apa102 strip, using an atiny85. To my dismay, spi on these chips are finnicky/nonexistant. is there any way for me to use this library and still use spi on these chips? Im seeing very complicated fixes, and id be willing to try them all, but i still need at least 4k for patterns.I am a beginner to this library and to avr in general. Please help!

Thanks in advanced.

You can just tell FastLED to use any pair of pins and it will bitbang quite happily. I haven’t put in support for the usi based hardware spi on the tiny yet.

you rock! thanks for the fast(lol) reply.

does the bitbanging reduce the speed drastically? i want to eventually use pov, but its not necessary as of now.

Bitbanging should still get you data rates that are higher than the ws2812s - I spent a bunch of time optimizing it. Though, one thing I haven’t done is optimized the scaling/color correction/dithering for SPI based chipsets on the attiny85 as much as I did for the ws2811, so I suspect that’s going to eat more overhead.