So I keep having Chilipeppr freeze on me at random mid-job.

Just start sjps from the terminal.

Open up a window and cd to your desktop.
Then type ./sjps -v > ./http://log.txt

Have you tested out this pc with other resource intensive processes? It smells like overheating while running chilipeppr causing system hang or thermal shutdown. Is the PC running Windows? Maybe try something like 3d mark or memtest to check out the PC first and eliminate hardware as an issue.

Thanks Ben, I started wondering that too. The bottom of the laptop felt pretty warm and after elevating it, it stayed in for much longer. I’m running Linux at the moment.

Hi Justin, sorry I’m so clueless, but how do you “cd to your desktop” in a terminal?

Maybe try something like stress-ng then

Perfect, I’ll give that a go Ben, thanks!

I’m thinking about this comment of yours more “When it freezes the virtual toolhead continues through the gcode” that could indicate your Javascript event stack is piling up in your browser and then those events only get processed way later/slower than realtime. What if you try running your job with disabling the 3D viewer as an experiment. Maybe you see your job runs ok then. You can also reduce frame rate to say 1 fps.

I would also download the memtest86 image linked above. Stick it on a USB stick and boot your laptop from the USB. It could just as easily be a memory issue which is much easier to fix.

Thanks John! I just looked in chilipeppr and found where to do that. I’ll give it a try.

Cool deal, I’m going to try to figure out the memory test quick and then I’ll try a job with the adjusted settings

I started running memtest86 and after awhile I searched for how long it typically takes. Looks like it can be 4-12 hrs! Figure I’ll wait until tonight and let it run overnight;). 0 errors for the 10 or so minutes I let it run though. Gonna try a job with the lowered frame rate and 3D viewer off​ to see how things go.

Ah yeah should have mentioned that, memtest does take a while. If it didn’t immediately fail though then you don’t have a major problem. I suspect heat is more likely.

That’s good to know! Elevating the laptop and having it run longer makes me think that too. Got a 15 min job going now with the viewer disabled. Here’s hoping;)

Good news guys! I’ve run multiple jobs with the 3D viewer off and it hasn’t froze on me:). With the computer elevated, it’s still getting pretty warm, but it hasn’t shut off either. Thanks a bunch John and Ben! You guys are life-savers. I’ll have to work on some better cooling for the laptop and here’s hoping the 3D viewer being off takes care of all future freezing.

You asked how to “cd to your desktop” in terminal? If you do ‘cd’ then enter… that will bring you to your home directory, which is going to be /home/your_user_name. This is the directory where all of your personal data is going to be stored, including your desktop. To get to your desktop from your home folder you will ‘cd Desktop’. Remember that desktop and Desktop are completely different folders in Linux. also from anywhere in just one command you can cd ~/Desktop/. The tilde (~) represents your home folder. Also the tab button is your friend in the terminal, it works as an autocomplete.

Thanks Peter, I appreciate the help with that. Still learning all of this Linux stuff!

I think you have a hardware issue, if I was faced with the same problem I think I would do a full memory test. Almost all linux distros have a memory tester as an option in GRUB (GRUB is the boot manager that presents its self right after the POST (power on self test). If you only have one operating system you probably won’t be presented with a menu to choose from when you boot your machine. In Ubuntu (and many other distros) you press the shift key at the beginning of the boot and you will get the GRUB menu. If you choose advanced options you will then find a memory test.

Intermittent problems are the most difficult to troubleshoot due to the fact that you can’t reproduce it anytime you desire. By the information you provided, my guess is that it is memory/CPU or the bus that connects them.

I just had a thought… did you purchase the computer new from a place that is reputable? The reason I ask is because there are a lot of people who sell computers and not all know enough to make a machine that will perform; often you can have memory that isn’t matched and you would never know it until you do something that is memory/processor intensive.

I just looked at your post and you mentioned memtest86, I would let it run it’s course, set it before you go to bed. Also, it could be that your laptop just doesn’t have the horse power to handle the job you are asking it to do.

My advice pertaining to Linux is to stay with it, it’s a good idea to have a windows machine that you can access in a pinch (or MAC if you are one of those people). I started with freeBSD in the early 90’s but worked with companies who use Microsoft almost exclusively. The learning curve is steep but to have real access to the functionality of your computer is something that you will grow fond of. One day you will find that when you have something computer intensive at hand, your natural choice will be Linux.

Almost everyone who uses Linux and sticks with it, falls in love with it. Many become Microsoft haters.

Any issue that you come up against, there is someone out there who has had the same issue and has solved it. The community is made-up of people who want you to love Linux as much as they do. If you are respectful you will always be able to find answers to any of your questions…

The really cool thing is that you will never be as good as you can be with the operation system, there is always something more to learn. This pertains to all operating systems: learn and use keyboard shortcuts.

Wow, this was long winded, I’m waiting for a flight, this was a good way to pass some time, I didn’t mean to write a novel.

You will solve your problem. With troubleshooting anything, break it down into byte size pieces line them up and knock them down, here is a script that you might use to get your battle plan in logical order:

  1. Gather Symptom Data

Would you describe exactly the problem you’re having?
When did the problem begin?
Has the problem occurred before?
What was running when the problem occurred?
Does the problem occur in any other application?
How long had the system been running when the problem occurred?

  1. Identify Possible Problem Causes

Verify the system.
Verify what OS the customer is running. Did you do the install?
Has any new software or hardware been added?
Was the system working before it was added?
Have you tried to remove it?
Are you attached to a network?
What kind of network are you attached to? (Novell, Microsoft?)
Does the problem occur if you disconnect from the network?
Has the system been moved or dropped recently?
What has changed in the environment (new equipment, construction, liquid spills, etc.)?

  1. Identify Possible Solutions
    What have you done to correct the problem? (Reload, Reboot, Reseat)
    Have you removed all external devices or the Customer Removable Units (CRUs)?
    Have you checked the settings in System Setup?
    Have you checked for malware on the system? (Anti-virus software, Add/Remove Programs, presence of pop-ups)
    Do you have a “known good” part you can swap?

  2. Implement Solution.

I hope something here is helpful. If I can be of assistance in the future drop me a line and I will do what I can.
