shall we test this out :)

shall we test this out :slight_smile:

+Peter van der Walt​ go big or go home :slight_smile:

Do you run directly from sd? I’m using the UI

Lol too late :stuck_out_tongue: it’s already running

Can I run a console command Play sd\program.gcode? from laserweb or is all console commands invalid… might make a nice new button to add :wink: :wink: “play from sd”


FYI if you do not explicitly allow lowercase commands, you can always send M1000 PLAY /sd/file.g smoothie will correctly lowercase anything following M1000 and send it tot the command processor. So M1000 VERSION would work too… etc.

@Wolfmanjm ​ sorry my posts keep showing up with lower case commands… I think this is remedied by the force caps update to laserweb

yes commands are lower case, but M1000 is used to get around that. smoothie will lowercase the line following M1000 and lowercase it.

or you can do what pronterface does… anything prefixed with @ will be sent untouched to smoothie

that is what bCNC does (but the entire line needs to be lowercase not just the command) But that means you need to keep a list of valid commands which is a pain. An alternative is only uppercase a line that starts with G or M and pass all others straight through.

you could also issue ‘help’ at start up and parse that to get a list of valid commands