Same 3D model, same settings, same printer, just different brands of PLA filament.

Alternatively, bake the desiccant in an oven and then put it in the sealed container without the lightbulb. Whatever works for you. The benefit to the lightbulb is that it works forever. Desiccant gets used up as it absorbs water so you have to recharge it over and over.

@Ryan_Carlyle for my lightbulb situation, as I said it just worked out serendipitously. The light for the work bench is right next to the 2 stacked boxes of PLA, bottom has unopened PLA, top box has working filament dispenser and gets warmed constantly. It’s not overkill as I need the light to see stuff. The lamp was there years before the printer. The desiccant does not seem to be turning color showing it has absorbed much moisture, so I suppose it’s just desiccant storage as well for when I need it. I don’t see the point in storing the desiccant in a more humid place and that box is about as low humidity as it gets for my apartment in foggy San Francisco.

Doh, ok I could be more accurate I guess, I thought the bulb said 100w, it’s really bright and hard to see the writing on the side of the plastic base, It is actually a ‘Duracell Ultra Mercury CFL 15w’ so what I thought was 100 was a 15, and my eyes hurt and I see spots now from checking :p. If I turn it off to check… I can’t see it! where is that damn flashlight? Anyway it seems pretty warm for 15w but it could be warmer, but its on all the time so it does keep the box warm which was what I noticed when changing a spool. Might up it to something slightly warmer though its well within safe ranges for the PP storage box.