Rotary support on LaserWeb4 in action.

Rotary support on LaserWeb4 in action. Smoothie and A axis

Thanks to Jim Fong for testing

Final result here

random thought: that design looks like koopa trooper or angry stormtrooper heads, however great job! looking forward to reading the write-up :slight_smile:

Nice definitely would like to see a write up as there are a few of us pen turners that would like to add this setup
What rotary design,
What smoothie config and what LW setting …
What controller connections …
etc etc.
I will help with the writing is that’s an impediment.

@donkjr I put some info in the video description. If you need more specifics, just let me know.

The laserweb4 rotary settings is going to be specific for the rotary you will be using.

My settings were

A resolution = 70400
A diameter = 25mm (diameter of the wood dowel used)

20032microsteps11= 70400
Gear head used is 11:1 ratio
Drv8825 at 32microstep per full step
Stepper motor used is a nema23 1.8degree, 200 full steps per revolution.

Oh btw I got a wood lathe last December. Pen turning is in my list to do. Too many projects, not enough time…

That’s a beautiful looking rotary. Nice work.

@Yuusuf_Sallahuddin_Y thanks! I rarely ever use it. Last time was over a year ago. I’m glad it fit in the k40 case to do this test.

Huge amount of docs in the YouTube comments +Peter van der Walt

I have a 14 hour flight later on, I’ll add this to cncpro if im unable to sleep ( which is always )

I threw a link up on cncpro just so we don’t lose track of this one. It’s not a flushed out article or anything but at least it’s something for now.