Rotary on Sculpfun s9 laser

do you know if i can use any rotary roller on a sculpfun s9

does anyone know if i can use any rotary roller on a sculpfun s9

I have the sculpfun rotary roller and it works fine. Best bit about buying the sculpfun rotary is it works well with sculpfun laser. I use lightburn software and there is plenty of help online and youtube.

This may help for info!GBP!£102.30!£77.52!!!!!%40211b801616786545831188688ec385!12000031296491033!btf&_t=pvid:02c5cdb0-be8d-4991-8cc5-6d65f58c72cf&afTraceInfo=1005004527187111__msite__c_ppc_item_bridge__xxxxxx__1678654583&spm=a2g0n.ppclist.product.0