Released: FastLED 3.1.6, including support for ESP32 and Teensy 3.6 Hi, all.

Released: FastLED 3.1.6, including support for ESP32 and Teensy 3.6

Hi, all. Thanks to a great deal of help and contributed code from many members of our community, we’re pleased to announce the release of FastLED 3.1.6, which includes support for the ESP32, Teensy 3.6, the ATtinyX41, and the OctoWS2811 adapter board. In addition, this release collects a number of bug fixes, as usual.

Thank you again to everyone who shares their time and energy with the FastLED community. Special thanks to Jason Coon, Paul Stoffregen, Rina Shkrabova, Sam Guyer, and Limor “Lady Ada” Fried for their code commits in this release.

The latest code and releases are available on Github, in the usual place: and

Thank you @Mark_Kriegsman and @Daniel_Garcia . Much appreciated.

Holy smokes, I’m subscribed to FastLED updates on GitHub, and my notifications just exploded! I can’t wait to try FastLED out on an ESP32! Thank you to everyone involved!

Great job guys!

@marmil Thank you- and more than ever before, this was truly a group effort. Thank you to everyone who is helping make this library better all the time.

Thanks folks for the all the effort!

Daniel and Mark - Thank you for the upgrade.

Using the new upgraded FastLED, I just ran the FastLED example sketch ColorPalette along with a couple of my sketches on a Teensy 3.6 using the Arduino IDE 1.8.3 along with the Teensyduino 1.37 on Windows 7. Everything worked fine without any problems.

Thanks again for FastLED and for the upgrade!

Thank you so much for all of your hard work

Thank you very much for the great job!

Thank you Mark!!

Are others having success with ESP32 and clocked LEDs? I’m using APA102, doing VERY simple test (below) and tested with both WEMOS LOLIN32 and Espressif ESP-32DEVKITC - compiles and runs fine (serial messages shown) but LED[0] doesn’t change. Same code works fine on ESP8266.

Adafruit’s DotStar library works like a champ on both ESP32 devices, using same IO pins and LED strip.

#include “FastLED.h”
#define DATA_PIN 2
#define CLOCK_PIN 4
#define NUM_LEDS 10

void setup() {
FastLED.addLeds<APA102, DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN, BGR>(leds, NUM_LEDS);

void loop() {
leds[0] = CRGB::Red;;
leds[0] = CRGB::Green;;

Congrats and THANK YOU! FastLED rules.

Thanks for the update! I just bought a couple ESP32 boards :slight_smile:

I thought the OctoWS2811 was supported already?

@Will_Tatam OctoWS on Teensy 3.6

Awesome stuff. Looking forward to the upcoming nRF52 support!

Any potential beta date of the nRF52 support. I’m having to use the Adafruit stuff. Protos were built with Arduino, and new the ones are not as pretty.