Is it possible to get ESP8266 to work with a grbl based control board? I’ve got a controller as attached and it has provision to connect to a simple bluetooth-to-serial bridge. If instead I connect a properly configured ESP8266 will it work with Laserweb?
(Note: I am aware about the voltage level conversion requirements as well as the +3.3V requirements for the ESP8266 so I am just asking from a software interface perspective - as in does a smoothie board do anything special from a software standpoint to support ESP8266 or is it just replacing the serial connection from being hardwired to being over wifi)
Got esp-link working to the point that I can either telnet directly to it and issue gcode commands manualy, or talk over a a virtual com port having set up a tcp->com redirector using socat. However, I can’t figure out how to set it up such that Laserweb can actually see the port (or socket if possible). Any tips?