I am new at cnc and purchased a Genmitsu Prover xl 4030, I successfully ran test job that came with the machine, and a small job that I created in Carveco Maker. But the next job stops in the exact spot every time I run it, and the Candle software tells me to Reset and continue. When I do it relocates the spindle and stops. Any suggestions on how to fix this.2025-01-29T07:00:00Z
I would look to see which line of G-Code it’s stopping on and see if that is an illegal G-Code command. I’d also look for the communications console to see what the error or reason for stopping is.
I do not get an error in the consol, it tells me to Reset to continue. When I Reset and continue, the machine jogs and repeats the msg. When I Reset and continue again the machine moves to another ordinance and continues. I don’t know if the code line is an illegal code. Below is a screen shot of when the machine stopped. I tried using G-Code (mm), but got the same results.
I see in the little Console window it doesn’t show line numbers but does show the GCode. Export the GCode then bring it up(open it) in a text editor and look for any lines with “G90 G0 Z0” and see what comes next.
Better yet, can you scroll in that Console window and look for the commands before “G90 G0 Z0” and that will help you find the exact line in the GCode file where it is stopping.
This is the G-Code opened in Notepad. The only place “G90 GOZ” is referenced is at the top.
X32.598Y76.347 Processed OK
X32.756Y76.515 Sent
X32.911Y76.687 Sent
X33.062Y76.861 Sent
X33.209Y77.040 Sent
X33.334Y77.198 Sent
X24.544Y73.099 Sent
X24.418Y73.105 In Que
(Attachment Daughters Workshop 2_toolpath1_Area Clear_Genmitsu flat end corncob [70C08] Nano Blue [2F].tap.txt is missing)
That looks like you copied the text directly from the Console window and I don’t see “G90 G0 Z0” anywhere. Try exporting the toolpath to a GCode file and then using your text editor to look at the text for “G90 G0 Z0” or something which can tell you/us where it is stopping.
We have to figure out where your program is stopping and why.
If you don’t know yet, your designs are converted to what are called Tool Paths which are often times a text file of CNC G-Code commands and then that file is sent, line by line, to the CNC controller and the firmware on the controller acts on the commands. If the program which generates the Tool Path file creates commands the controller’s firmware doesn’t recognize then it can stop.
I saved the toolpath as the following file:
Daughters Workshop 3_toolpath 1_Area Clear_Genmitsu flat end corncob [70C08] Nano Blue [2F].gcode 4MB
I then opened it with Notepad.txt, that is the file that this text came from. Am I doing something wrong?
Daughters Workshop 3_toolpath1_Area Clear_Genmitsu flat end corncob [70C08] Nano Blue [2F].gcode (3.63 MB)
That looks like the GCode file now how do you figure out which line the was stopped on when the Reset request was displayed? Something in the GUI should be showing the gcode sent. As you noticed, it’s not the G90 G0 Z0 command shown in the console window.
The Command window in the picture below shows Line 2682 Processed, then Line 2683 Sent, that is where I believe the machine stopped.
Thank you for your patience, I am at a loss with this project. I created a simple project while we are dealing with this and it ran fine, so I believe there is something in this code .
Line 2682 and 2683 are indented. The next line is :“X32.5979Y76.3475”
so I ask is that a valid within-bounds move?
Or maybe “X32.7561 Y76.5152” since that appears to be the line noted in your screen shot. It’s a couple of lines off from the line numbering in my editor.
I do not know if that is correct or not! I do not know why it would be indented, could that stop the code from running?
I was pointed out which lines were of interest so I indented them since I didn’t want to actually add anything to the lines to point them out to you.
As you can see the lines and those following are not anything but movement lines just like many others. But the Y axis move is one larger than any others in all the lines before it and therefore I asked you if that move was outside of the bounds set for your workspace.
I am brand new to CNC, I have only had the machine for a week, so I do not know what the numbers in a line of code mean. Is there something I can try and test the code?
Again, Thank you for your patience with me!
Scale your sign down by 30% and see if it works. If it does then you have likely either setup your software incorrectly by not getting the size of the work area in the software matching the work area of the machine. Those needs to be setup.
X axis, Y axis and Z axis. If you look at the G-Code file you will see “X” “Y” and “Z” throughout the file. Those are coordinates to which the machine is being commanded to move the milling head to.
Unfortunately I’m not the guy to teach CNC over a forum channel. I would suggest reading a bunch of tutorials on “Intro to CNC routers”, watching a few videos and those should lead you to look into what G-Code is and what it does. Just the basics, no need for doing “G-Code programming for power users” type stuff. It’s the language used in 3D printers, Laser cutters and as you now know, CNC machines.
My guess is that your sign design is larger than your setup workspace or maybe even too large for your machine’s workspace and that’s why you are getting stoppages. If the router head is close to one of the 4 sides of your router’s work area then it might be too big for the machine. If the router head isn’t even close to one of the 4 sides of your router tables work area then it’s likely a software setting in your CAM tool or the router firmware table size isn’t set correct.
If your machine is running GRBL firmware on it’s controller board then you can enter $$ into the Console command field and you’ll see your firmware settings which will include the max X, Y, and Z axis sizes($130, $131, $132) as shown in the following Cheat Sheet:
Thank you for all of your help! I realize that I need to learn more about GCode. I really appreciate everything you have shown me.