Probably another stupid question,
but how do I send the G-code directly to the machine?
I have USB connected and in the terminal as on the WebUi I can see it is connected but I fail to find a “send” button.
The UI shows “Machine Control Disabled”
Enter PIN to unlock:
Do I have to set a pin or is there a default pin?
What did I not read again?
So far I have used GRBL-Panel which does a nice job btw.
PIN entered and it works
I do not have kids but I agree. It can be very dangerous to keep the controls open.
This Laser stuff can be dangerous and unlike my 3D printer, I will not not leave the Laser running without being close to it ;-(
As you seem to read everything pretty fast, did you see this post:
I men this part:
I also noted that the input fields for example
“Laser Power Contraints” depending on the screen-size are a bit small and I can not see more than 2 digits on my Laptop.
(Btw: the label seems to have a spelling mistake)
I accidental enter max. Laser-power 1050%!!!
…instead of 50%
So maybe constraining the input fields to 0 and 100 could help.
I would love to increase the Laser output power by just entering the required numbers instead of buying an expensive CO2 Laser
Something else I saw.
When setting: “Raster: Proportional Feedrate”
Light 60mm/s
Dark 10 mm/s
then the g-code header contains:
; Black Speed: 3600mm/s
; White Speed: 600mm/s
should that not be the other way arround?
damm that was fast
The laptop has only 1366 x 768
but that width seems to be wide enough.
Chrome is at 100% zoom
The other screen is 3440 x 1440 so no problem thee
now the black and white speed shows the speeds in mm/min
but the unit shows as mm/s
Yep who cares
…that is why I did not post a bug