+Peter van der Walt you explained how the gcode is generated in a comment on @Ariel_Yahni_UniKpty dot size post… it has me thinking is there a way to generate the steps/dots for X and Y independently of each other and still maintain the size of the output in the preview. Rdworks that is used for the DSP and Ruida controllers has a setting called scan gap that changes the distance between Y steps and can help remove the “scan line” appearance.On Ariel’s test images, With the dot size we have currently I notice more consistent overlapping in the X while moving than I do the Y. If conveyed this idea poorly or it just plain won’t work let me know and delete this post.
Thanks Peter this info will help me alot when I am making adjustments to photos to prepare them for the laser. I was tasked with making some more acryllic signs so I will make the images solid black instead of grayscale to get the faster acceleration so I can get them nice and Frosty
I will post a video of one of the grayscale tests I ran the motion was not smooth alot of jittering. Not sure if it was the firmware,config file settings, or the image I was using… I will have more time to test the next couple of days