Pardon my lack of intelligence. I just started trying to figure out chilipeppr.

Pardon my lack of intelligence. I just started trying to figure out chilipeppr. What I don’t understand is when I jog over while connected to my machine my Digital Read out stays at X0 Y0 Z0 and never moves… can anyone help me out? Again, my apologies. Thank you. Running an Arduino with a V3 cnc shield Flashed with Grbl.

Does the CNC machine move at all? Are you actually connected to the Arduino in the serial port list? A screenshot helps us all debug for you too.

Thank you for the reply John. Unable to post a screen shot at the moment. Yes, the machine and software all function as it should. I have movement in all 3 axes. Everything functions perfectly except for the fact that the digital read out literally remains at 0 on x,y and z. No matter where I jog the machine too? I appreciate your input. Thank you.

What version of Grbl?

It looks to be GRBL 1.1 which I believe is not supported. Is this correct?

Use /jpadie workspace