Ortur Laser Master 2 Profile

Here is my working configuration for ortur LaserMaster2.
Hope it’ll help. Enjoy.

"LaserMaster2": {
  "machineLabel": "LaserMaster2",
  "settings": {
    "__version": "4.0.998",
    "__selectedProfile": null,
    "__latestRelease": "2019-11-26T10:42:57Z",
    "showMachine": true,
    "machineWidth": 400,
    "machineHeight": 400,
    "machineBeamDiameter": 0.2,
    "machineBottomLeftX": 0,
    "machineBottomLeftY": 0,
    "machineFeedRange": {
      "XY": {"min": 1, "max": 50000},
      "Z": {"min": 1, "max": 50000},
      "A": {"min": 1, "max": 50000},
      "S": {"min": 0, "max": 30000}
    "machineXYProbeOffset": 0,
    "machineZEnabled": false,
    "machineZMatThickness": 0,
    "machineZToolOffset": 0,
    "machineZStartHeight": "",
    "machineZProbeOffset": 0,
    "machineAEnabled": false,
    "machineBlowerEnabled": false,
    "machineBlowerGcodeOn": "",
    "machineBlowerGcodeOff": "",
    "pxPerInch": 96,
    "forcePxPerInch": false,
    "dpiBitmap": 300,
    "toolGridWidth": 500,
    "toolGridHeight": 500,
    "toolGridMinorSpacing": 10,
    "toolGridMajorSpacing": 50,
    "toolSafetyLockDisabled": true,
    "toolCncMode": false,
    "toolImagePosition": "BL",
    "toolUseNumpad": false,
    "toolDisplayCache": false,
    "toolUseGamepad": false,
    "toolCreateEmptyOps": false,
    "toolVideoDevice": null,
    "toolVideoPerspective": {"enabled": false},
    "toolVideoLens": {"a": 1, "b": 1, "F": 1, "scale": 1},
    "toolVideoFov": {"x": 1, "y": 1},
    "toolVideoResolution": "720p(HD)",
    "toolVideoOMR": false,
    "toolVideoOMROffsetX": 0,
    "toolVideoOMROffsetY": 0,
    "toolVideoOMRMarkerSize": 20,
    "toolWebcamUrl": "",
    "toolFeedUnits": "mm/min",
    "toolTestSValue": 1,
    "toolTestDuration": 0,
    "gcodeStart": "G21         ; Set units to mm\r\nG90         ; Absolute positioning\r\n",
    "gcodeEnd": "M5          ; Switch tool offEnd\r\n",
    "gcodeHoming": "$H",
    "gcodeGenerator": "default",
    "gcodeToolOn": "M3",
    "gcodeToolOff": "M5",
    "gcodeLaserIntensity": "S",
    "gcodeLaserIntensitySeparateLine": false,
    "gcodeSMinValue": 0,
    "gcodeSMaxValue": 1000,
    "gcodeCheckSizePower": 4,
    "gcodeToolTestPower": 4,
    "gcodeToolTestDuration": 1000,
    "gcodeConcurrency": 2,
    "gcodeCurvePrecision": 0.1,
    "comServerVersion": "4.0.136",
    "comServerIP": "",
    "comServerConnect": false,
    "comInterfaces": ["USB", "ESP8266", "Telnet"],
    "comPorts": [{"comName": "/dev/ttyAMA0"}, {"comName": "/dev/ttyUSB0"}],
    "comAccumulatedJobTime": 0,
    "connectVia": "USB",
    "connectPort": "/dev/ttyACM0",
    "connectBaud": "115200",
    "connectIP": "",
    "jogStepsize": 1,
    "jogFeedXY": 1800,
    "jogFeedZ": 300,
    "macros": {
      "*GotoXY0": {
        "label": "Goto XY zero",
        "gcode": "G0 X0Y0",
        "keybinding": "ctrl+f1",
        "_locked": false
      "*LaserOff": {
        "label": "LASER OFF",
        "gcode": "M5",
        "keybinding": "ctrl+f2",
        "_locked": false
    "uiFcDrag": null

Since I’ve improved support for custom profiles in my lw changes, I’ve (quickly) added this :slight_smile:

(And the following commit fixed the json syntax errors you can see in that commit…)