Originally shared by Yuan LIU What is your favourite print server?

Originally shared by Yuan LIU

What is your favourite print server?

Ares 3D printer uses OctoPrint on OctoPi. It is quite adequate for my needs. Then some users mentioned AstroPrint and Repetier-Server. After dabbing them on the same Raspberry Pi in Ares, my appreciation for OctoPrint/OctoPi has grown. It has a very disciplined design, and well implemented.

In comparison, AstroBox was forked off OctoPrint/OctoPi, but it took away the ability to install headlessly. (In fact, you cannot even install AstroPrint alone without also taking its own distribution of Raspbian.)

Repetier-Server has much richer features, but then the many design flaws and bugs make you wonder if the bells and whistles are worth it.

In the end, print server is just convenience software. But in an age when everything is expected to be “mobile”, a print server is nearly a necessity. I am glad that Easy Arts decides to use “cloud” in Ares instead of sticking to flash card.

I’ve become very fond of OctoPi. Works well for me.