Look what a matt black beauty arrived today I was backing the right kickstarter
This is a Panucatt re-ARM for RAMPS. Just swapping the Mega2560 with this and you can have the ease of smoothieware with the well known RAMPS all together…
@Rien_Stouten no…I don’t see…Why would you want to use an 8 bit processor when you can have a 32 bit UPGRADE which is cheaper than a smoothie…Runs the same firmware, and is essentially a plug and play for someone’s printer that already is wired for RAMPS??
I think you should do more research before you post.
@Rien_Stouten I understand you save +/-50 euros with cheap ass Ramps… but cutting corners on electonics is just something I’d never do… the Smoothieboard has always been our choice for machines
@David_Bassetti as a tester of this board, you don’t understand how wrong you are with the comment “cutting corners on electronics”. This is a great board for anyone with an aging RAMPS system that wants to upgrade without having to rewire everything.
@David_Bassetti Cutting corners? Cheap? What are you talking about? You seem very insecure about your choices. No need to defend anything - you’ll still be able to use Smoothieboards in all your machines, nobody’s going to take this away from you, chill!
I’m personally looking forward to upgrading my noname chinese MEGA 2560 (~8€) that’s coupled with a pretty nice EU made high quality RAMPS 1.4 (~28€) with the Re-ARM (51$). I would not buy a Smoothieboard 5XC for 186€ from the european distributor - I cannot justify that price for >ME<. YMMV, enjoy!