Originally shared by René Jurack A small hotend needs a small heater cartridge! Just

Originally shared by René Jurack

A small hotend needs a small heater cartridge!

Just got my hands on
2mm x 10mm, 24V 35W and
2mm x 10mm, 24V 20W
cartridges. This is unbelievable small!

Wow, nice! Link?

Holy crapola. 35W and that tiny? We moving to a 1mm filament standard now or something? :stuck_out_tongue:

Or are you making a super tiny 3D printer?

@ThantiK I already did a super tiny printer :wink: http://well-engineered.net/index.php/en/projects/12-dice-english
But you are right, it’s for a tiny printer :slight_smile:

What is your source for these? In the past the small ones I’ve found are very, very expensive.