Originally shared by Michaël Memeteau  Retraction torture test (Birdcage pendant - http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:49612 )  and

Originally shared by Michaël Memeteau

#saintflint Retraction torture test (Birdcage pendant - Bird in Cage Pendant by katharos - Thingiverse) and 3D Benchy (#3DBenchy - The jolly 3D printing torture-test by CreativeTools.se by CreativeTools - Thingiverse) on a Prusa i3 Hephestos equipped with Saintflint…

Birdcage is really cute. I’ll have to try that soon.

What’s crawled up @jesse_mccabe 's ass and died… sheesh…

@jesse_mccabe If you think a good cheap/almost free extruder is useless to the 3D printing community, maybe you’re not in the right forum…
(About E-nable, I’ve done that too:
Google Photos

I had to have ago at the bird cage on my i3
Pleased with my results, thanks posting yours.

Is your Prusa i3 direct driven? I have a bowden on mine, which is a little bit trickier to manage retraction-wise. Great results anyway.

It is direct.

Oh get off it @Nathan_Walkner we’re all just playing around with this stuff. Any hobby is open to the same criticism of wasted resources, but if you are really concerned over wasted resources, go picket a football game and leave well meaning geeks alone with their fun and frivolous prints.

The e-nable hand, while interesting, is quite a large print, and would be kind of a waste to print as a test calibration part the way that the birdcage and 3DBenchy are used, where there are probably many more unseen failures than there are successful show-and-tell pieces.

If there are suggestions for a more useful part that is small enough to be economical for test calibration purposes and predictive of a machine’s suitability for use (e.g. ready to print an e-nable hand successfully), I’m sure we would all be interested to hear about it.