Originally shared by John Lauer The 3040 CNC machine is the world's most popular

Originally shared by John Lauer

The 3040 CNC machine is the world’s most popular low-cost rigid CNC, but nobody in the maker community knows about it…until now. Go get one for yourself and use ChiliPeppr on it with a TinyG.

Warning, the DC spindle controller is not properly protected against over-current (spindle hitting something and being forcefully stopped destroyed mine) and there is tons of noise in the default electronics.
End-stops are a good addition too.
Spindle is very quiet, rigidity is okay.

@Marcus_Wolschon I think the Shapeoko quiet cut spindle is the same with no over-current. Most maker CNC guys use non protected spindles, so it is what it is. I suppose what I’m most in love with is the rigidity.