Originally shared by James Rivera Ok,

@donkjr Too early to tell for sure, but it did finish that run. I’m going to try the other half of the job hopefully sometime today. Thanks!!!

Fingers crossed!

It failed but differently. It seems like it got bogged down. Still troubleshooting.

@SirGeekALot If I was you I would add the grnd wire between the supplies, who knows :)!

@donkjr It looks like moving the spindle VFD controller to the gantry has solved the problem, because I have now done 2 jobs without incident. For the one that failed right after the move, in that case the TinyG had not gone offline on me, it seems like it just got stuck, presumably due to me trying to go too fast.

(Aside: I’ve been trying to use FreeCAD’s Path workbench to generate the gcode and I think I just goofed up my speed/feed settings). In the later successful attempts I doubled the speed from 7mm/s to 14mm/s and halved the step down from 0.5mm to 0.25mm, and that seems to have made things run quite smoothly now.)

Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you for your help and patience/tenacity.

Hindsight sure is 20/20. Looking back at it now, it seems obvious that EMF noise from the VFD could have been messing with the TinyG, especially with how close it was, never mind the long wire potentially working as a transmission antenna for the noise from the VFD 10K RPM signal!

@SirGeekALot awesome, did you ever install the ground between the supplies :)?

@donkjr No, not yet. But I want to add end stop switches, so I will probably add it when I put them on. I spent waaay too much time manually zeroing out the axes on these jobs; I needed to avoid wasting anything so I needed to a little inside the path of a previous cut. Bonus: I now know how to rotate my path job 90 degrees in FreeCAD (not as simple as I’d hoped).

@SirGeekALot is this problem still solved :). Just updating my notes :slight_smile:

@donkjr It seems to be, but I’ve only used it a couple of times since moving the VFD to the gantry. I’m pretty busy at the moment, but trying to find time to install belt tensioners (mostly done), end stop switches (just starting), and a new #OpenBuilds metal router clamp I bought from #HobbyFab, and 3d printed adapter for my spindle (this way I can always try a DeWalt router later). I’ll post more on my feed and/or this board as I’m done.

@SirGeekALot what do you mean by belt tensioners?

@donkjr this:
