Originally shared by Frank Herrmann Mission accomplished :) Please check this video with the

Originally shared by Frank Herrmann

Mission accomplished :slight_smile:

Please check this video with the new XATCv04 running. The Design is realy improved also i switched from Chilipeppr/Javascript/macro to my new REST Service @ http://xpix.eu:8080.

This means, i use now complete pure g-code. Here you can check this with follow url: http://xpix.eu:8080/xatc/replace/xatcv4/tinyg/M6%20T1/2

Read the url so, use xatc replace process and the model is xatcv4 on a tinyg Board. Put the Tool Nr.2 back and get Tool Nr.1.

Now we can use this on another CNC-Controllers like grbl, Smoothie and so on. But we need the commands M4 (rotate spindle in ccw direction) and M8/M9 (switch coolant on/off) to control servo (block/unblock) Spindle.

This Sketch on a normal arduino nano check coolant pin from tinyg and control the servo via interrupt. Works as designed :slight_smile: https://create.arduino.cc/editor/xpix/184c2dd7-aec1-40ef-8518-096d754b3f2c/preview

To control the spindle with full power i found this DC-Controller ( 3-36v Dual 15a H-bridge DC Motor Driver 30a for Robot & Car Arduino Compatible for sale online | eBay ) and put this in my 48V Power-supply enclosure, i change the output to ~41V. The Mosfet’s of this device can handle up to 52 Volt and we don’t have a battery, this means no spikes on the input and we can drive this board with higher voltage. Signals are wired:
TinyG GND => DC Controller GND
TinyG SpDir => DC Controller DIR
TinyG PWM => DC Controller PWM
TinyG 3.3V => DC Controller 5V (works also with 3.3V)

To drive this Spindle i changed my TinyG $p1 Config:

So, i’ll write a Chilipeppr Widget for the XATC and hope we can use this also for other standard CNC controllers.

Please send me your opinion and comments, thanks!

From watching all your prior videos, it does seem like you’ve streamlined almost every step. It looks really clean. I also think the overall size of the device has gotten nicely smaller. Question: how is the end mill not falling out of collet while it moves from being picked up to the tigthening process? As I watch the video I keep thinking it’ll fall out, but it doesn’t.

Many thanks @jlauer , the process press the nut against the holder and rotate very fast for 0.1 second. This let the collet press with small torque against the endmill shaft & it’s enough to hold the endmill.

Ahh. Brilliant. Ok, I just rewatched the video and I see that tiny 0.1 second movement. Really nice. I can see though how it is possible things fall out and how hard it is for you to get all of these detail steps perfectly worked out. This is a big achievement.

Oh i forgot, i glued a rubber ring on top of the collet nut to support this process.

Very nice work.