Originally shared by Cristian Martinez So like Arduino nano V3's are really cheap to

@Thomas_Runge right, I was barely able to fit DemoReel100 driving 60 led ring. But then again it all depends on your application; say for some things I use stm32 (aka Maple Mini aka Blue Pill) which is faster and have more RAM than any atmega, and costs about the same as nano v3

@Kirill_Kolyshkin I ordered my first STM32 from Aliexpress two weeks ago. They have not yet arrived, but I’m impatiently waiting. :grin:
I didn’t check, but is FastLED supported somehow? Which IDE are you using?

There’s a port of the library, search this forum, I’ve shared the link a few times…

@Thomas_Runge I wanted to write a post about it, but was not sure how many users are interested.

@Kirill_Kolyshkin , there’s a slow but steady stream of people asking about Maple Mini’s etc. A post would be great!

Im using a nano v3 because it has more memory than the blank attinys i have. Im gonna add as many patters as possible so i need that RAM and Flash space. Otherwise i would have put an Attiny in there to begin with. But then again putting one together costs me just as much as buying a nano v3 lol

@Thomas_Runge Here’s a quick-n-dirty version.

Currently there’s a patch needed for FastLED, I am trying to merge it upstream, here’s the PR: https://github.com/FastLED/FastLED/pull/568 (it’s not my work, I just combined a few patches into one and made some formatting changes for it to look better). You can use my branch of fastled from https://github.com/kolyshkin/FastLED/tree/stm32

The second thing is, Arduino for STM32 platform package also needs a fix; if you try to compile a sketch and it’s size will be huge (i.e. more than 64K), this is it. The fix is to add an option (-fno-threadsafe-statics) to cxxflags, but apparently it can break people using RTOS library, so we’re still trying to figure out how to implement it. See https://github.com/rogerclarkmelbourne/Arduino_STM32/pull/444 and https://github.com/rogerclarkmelbourne/Arduino_STM32/issues/296 for discussion.

With the above two changes, FastLED works just fine on Blue Pill (and way faster than on any atmel hw).

Thank you very much, @Kirill_Kolyshkin ! Will check back, when my STM32s arrive.

As long as you don’t mind soldering - I attach a regular sized USB pigtail directly to all of my boards. You can get DIY USB connectors for about 0.25 a piece on aliexpress or even amazon. Then you can use any old USB power converter (lying around or also really cheap) for AC power, and any USB battery for on the go.

its two easy solder joins - Vcc on the rightmost pin and GND on the left most pin when looking at the back of the USB plug with the pads facing upwards