Open-Source Sprinkler Extension Board for BeagleBone Black by Ray's Hobby and OpenSprinkler

Open-Source Sprinkler Extension Board for BeagleBone Black by Ray’s Hobby and OpenSprinkler

great! I have one of the earlier AVR based opensprinklers, and while it works well, I do often wish it was Linux based. Time for an upgrade in summer I think :slight_smile: leads to which says “Oops! That page can’t be found.” and the Products page at doesn’t list it either. for the Pi seems the closest, but it says “Enclosure is not tailored for the Raspberry Pi” which I think means that it’s the AVR-based enclosure.

@mcdanlj darn… @Jason_Kridner ​: do you know what the correct link is?

@Ray_Wang can you bring back OpenSprinkler Beagle? Note that there is now a @SeeedStudio #BeagleBone Green Wireless that boots up as an access point and should make configuration really easy.