Omtech K40+ uneven depth

Hello All!

I’m new to Lasers, just got an K40+! I went through the process of aligning the beam and ran a few tests. I am having an issue where the bottom of my material (acrylic) is engraving deeper than the top also the top is not cutting in 1 pass like the bottom. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I’m not clear on what you mean by deeper on the bottom and top.

A picture or drawing of the problem would help.


Describing the areas by reference to the machine will also be helpful. “Back” and “front”, “left” and “right”.

Differences in cutting performance between back and front are typically indicative of needing additional work on first mirror alignment (the mirror next to the tube). Differences in cutting performance from left to right are typically indicative of needing additional work on second mirror alignment (the mirror fixed to the gantry). This alignment is quite sensitive.

Hope that helps…

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front of machine cuts and engraves nice, back of machine barely marks and takes 3 passes to cut through 3mm acrylic.

thank you! reached out to omtech customer support. they walked me through a few tests seems the #2 mirror needs a little adjustment

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remember, when you do mirror alignment tests do not use tape without putting something on the back of the tape where it’ll get hit by the laser. Burning tape with the laser without a backing(sticking a dime to it) will result in molten glue splattering onto your mirrors and being nearly impossible to clean off.


Cool really appreciate the tip!